The New Year entails so much for all of us. So much promise. Clean slates. Another chance at that failed thing you didn't do last year. Most of the time we make weak resolutions as to what we MIGHT like to happen in the upcoming year. Honestly, I don't think we believe half of the stuff that we put out into the atmosphere. We say things that we don't mean all the time such as, "If you need me call me", knowing good and well you have your fingers and eyes crossed hoping that they never call. Shaking my head. We have to do better. I implore you to release that "lying spirit" in the new year. Rebuke it in the name of Jesus!
In this New Year, let's realize that our resolutions involve a little something called WORK. You can't just say "I want to lose weight", you have to work to lose it. It will require some sweat and probably some tears because, unfortunately, it won't be easy.
Sorry. Oh, you say you want to stop smoking? Great! What's the plan? What work do you plan to do to make that happen? As the good book says, the harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. We can not expect things to fall in our laps like that. We have to sow in order to grow. I complained most days about the job I have currently, but what am I doing to get out of that situation? What have I done to change it? Nothing thus far. Absolutely nothing. I'll be leaving that "complaining spirit" behind and those who possess it.
I believe we are capable of receiving the things that we ask for, but we need to know that those things come with responsibility. Let's not make promises to ourselves, and others, that we know we won't be able to keep past midnight tonight. At some point you have to be all in for the change you want to see. A friend of mine does this thing called a "Want List" for the year. It's basically a list where you put some things that you would want, self explanatory really. Below I will show you a few things on my want list. Wants require work also, in case you did not know. If you want it you have to grind for it. You have to take the necessary steps my friends. There is no way around it or under it. What are you boldly asking for in 2014???
My want list 2014 as of now (Some things could be added or subtracted):
Better Relationship w/GOD
Even Better Attitude
More Compassion
Twins( It can happen and I don't mind the work it entails…*wink wink*)
MacBook Air (For all my writing needs)
Trip to Nappa Valley
Trip to Jamaica
Random Trips
Dresses Galore
30lb weight loss
My Resolution: Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Happy New Year Everybody, let's do 2014 right!