Monday, June 2, 2014

What to Expect When EVERYONE ELSE is Expecting

     The following conversation, in more ways than one, happens to me quite often. Most recent occurrence being two weeks ago, give or take. It goes as follows:

Rando person: Hey Friendella, I haven't seen you in so long! You look good. Any kids yet???
Me: No. Not as of yet.
Rando: Why not? What YOU waiting on?
Me: (Smiling trying to be polite) Ummmm, I truly don't know what to tell you.
Rando: Are YOU trying?
  After this point, I am so done with these kind of exchanges in their entirety. Really, am I trying? Are you seriously going to ask me that right now in Kroger/WalMart/Target/Party? Clearly one could insert any random place there. My question is, would you also like to count my eggs or better yet calculate how many I might have left?

People, honestly, it is absolutely NONE of your business what is or IS NOT going on within my reproductive organs. Maybe I don't have any ovaries or uterus of which to speak. Hoooow about that? Tsk tsk tsk. We ask such personal questions these days. We have no limits to what we will ask people. What makes us so damn comfortable really?

I have been bombarded with questions and expectations concerning children since getting married and some prior to marriage because, as we all know, WE are suppose to have our children young, have baby daddies, collect meager child support checks, and tolerate real questionable visitation. At this point, sorry if this disappoints, I'm not 100% sure I even want children with the way the world is set up. It's going down hill fast. Maybe I am incapable of having children at all. Will that make me less of a woman, sister, aunt or wife because of it? Will YOU die or be heartbroken because of it? I should think NOT!

I'm sick of all the unnecessary pressure of people insisting that "You should at least have one." Currently, I enjoy my life as it is. I can come and go as I very well please, only being responsible for little ol me. IF I so desired, I could pack up, move, change my number, change my name, and disappear. Some times I think about that at length. So, let me live and be great. Stop pressuring me. Unfortunately, I do not have, in my possession, a magic wand which I could wave and "magically" become pregnant.

To close this on out, let's be real about the situation, more than half the people with all these questions concerning offspring won't even purchase expected baby a pair of socks, onesie, or even be around whenever, if ever, they arrive. I ask you to do two things:

1.Increase your chill.
2.Stay in your lane.

That is all!

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